RAMCO High Volume Automatic Wash / Coat / Dry System

This Case History covers a system built for a major manufacturer of automotive components. The customer has to remove light contamination and apply a rust inhibitor to gears in batch loads. Thousands of gears are washed/coated and dried each day requiring a maximum throughput of 64 baskets per hour!



The cycle time requires a load every 3.75 minutes (including transfer time). The system uses a four zone zero pressure spacing conveyor modified with a loading gate to feed the washer. Two baskets (16 gears per basket – see above) are loaded side by side with the capability of double stacking (four baskets per load). Each load can weight up to 120 pounds. Baskets are loaded onto the conveyor and are automatically advance to the washer/dryer. The washer/dryer is a standard RamTough Multi Station Console Model MKD24 (below left) with built-in Hot Air Knife Dryer.

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