RAMCO Automotive Cylinder Head and Engine Block Wash Pressure Test

Automotive Wash/Rinse and Pressure Test System

This application is a Precision Wash – Rinse – Rinse System built for a major automotive company. It is used for cleaning and pressure testing cylinder heads and engine blocks. The system is constructed from the MK Series but the tanks are over sized and built to handle loads up to 300 pounds. The orientation and configuration of the filtration, oil removal and ultrasonics are specifically designed to work within the customers cleaning room layout. The piping, control valves, pumps, filter housings, oil removal system, immersibles and generators are all designed for accessibility and service.



ULTRASONIC WASH with Turbo/Filter – The first stage is designed to remove the bulk of the dirt and oil using an OR6 with SurfaceSweep. The system removes floating oils from the surface of the wash station to a remote quiet tank for separation. It prevents floating oil from redepositing onto cleaned parts. The precision wash uses ultrasonics combined with turbofilter. All RAMCO ultrasonic systems are built using immersibles. Due to the power requirements of the system the immersibles are mounted on both the bottom and the front wall of the tank.

RINSE – Two heated rinses are uses with platform oscillation. The elevator moves the basket into the working zone and oscillates the parts in solution with either a short or long stroke. Dual stroke oscillation provides both short and long strokes. A selector switched is used to select either long 5 to 9 inch or short 2 to 4 inch strokes. The long stroke is used to provide better flushing (hydraulically forcing solution though the working zone) for nested masses of parts and/or complex shapes with recessed passages whereas the short stroke is used to provide quicker oscillations and faster cleaning of simple parts and/or part configurations. Flexibility in stroke ranges and speeds produces more comprehensive cleaning (see Dynamic Flow Combination).


A common connecting section with backsplash (above left) is provided for rinsing down and/or blowing off parts between stages. Three different solution levels are provided for submerging cylinders heads and engine blocks for pressure testing.

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