The photo above shows the front of the line. The control pedestal (to the far right) includes a main Nema12 panel with the air over oil tanks and flow controls mounted behind the control box. The customers basket is brought to the machine on a roll-around cart designed to interface with the automation feed conveyor (see photos below and above).
The footprint requirements demand a compact, efficient and neat system design (see below). Note that nothing is placed underneath processing tanks or tucked behind “access” panels. All valves, pumps, filters, cylinders and heaters are located outside of the console where they are accessible, clearly visible for inspection and easily serviced.
The process requires an oil removal system with multi-cartridge filtration to remove floating oils and fine particulate from the cleaning solution. This is accomplished in a separate insulated quiet tank. In addition a large capacity filter system is installed on the first stage wash. – see photos below.