RAMCO Aqueous Degreaser with Built-In Chip Removal

This customer required an in-process degreasing system for machined components contaminated with oil and lots of chips. The customer wanted to minimize the number of tank cleanouts due to excessive chip build-up. The RAMCO solution to this requirement is shown below.

RAMCO Equipment Immersion Parts Washer Washing MK Series Chip Removal Method
RAMCO Equipment Immersion Parts Washer Washing MK Series Chip Removal Method

The system can handle a 34″L x 21″W x 16″H basket with a load capacity of 150 pounds. The tank bottom is pitched right to left and a pull-out chip removal basket is installed within a low trough.

Roller conveyors are installed on the platform elevator to align with the customers existing material handling system. The left side of the conveyor is removable to allow for easy access to the chip removal tray. An oil removal system with remote quite tank and RAMCO exclusive SurfaceSweep is included.

The inside of the degreasing chamber has dual turbulation systems designed for flushing soils off the parts and for collecting chips for removal. The standard turbo uses a high volume all stainless steel pump and closed looped manifolds with multiple injectors to direct solution to the working zone. The system provides an even flow of turbulent solution over, under, around and through components. The flow is also adjustable. RAMCO turbo systems are proven to accelerate processing time in washing and/or rinsing. A filtration system is included with the turbo. It uses a stainless steel filter canister with a 150 micron bag element and is equipped with a stainless steel oil filled pressure gauge. Other micron sizes are available. A chip flushing turbo is located below the main turbo. These headers are specifically designed to direct loosened chips that would normally collect on the bottom of the tank to a chip removal pull-out basket.

RAMCO Equipment Immersion Washing MK Series Standard Turbo Action
RAMCO Equipment Immersion Washing MK Series Standard Turbo Action

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